Are you ready to WRITE your BEST nonfiction book proposal?

Enroll in a flexible course with 8 modules that you can complete at your own pace. All for $97.

Welcome to the WRITE YOUR BOOK PROPOSAL course!

A comprehensive course to help you write a winning nonfiction book proposal that gets you noticed by publishers.

Meet Your Instructor

Led by Broad Book Group partner and editorial director Dr. Jen Dorsey, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling proposal that effectively communicates your ideas and increases your chances of getting published. Dr. Dorsey’s expertise and guidance will help you take your writing to the next level and achieve your dream of becoming a published author.

Many aspiring nonfiction authors struggle to get their book proposals accepted by publishers, leaving their dream of becoming a published author unrealized.

We want to make sure writers achieve their goals and dreams.

That’s why the WRITE YOUR BOOK PROPOSAL course covers everything you need to know to write a compelling proposal for your book. All for just $97.

One time

We’ll Teach You:

  • What a book proposal is

  • Why you need a book proposal

  • How to set yourself up to sell your book

  • What to include (and what not to include) in your proposal

  • How to showcase your writing and marketing skills

  • How to set yourself apart from other authors


The WRITE YOUR BOOK PROPOSAL course includes worksheets and insider resources to help your research!

Get Ready to Write

Prepare to write your book proposal by identifying your target audience, understanding their needs, and researching the market.

What Is A Book Proposal?

Understand what a book proposal is, its purpose, and how it’s used in the publishing industry.

Set Yourself Apart

Stand out from the competition by highlighting your unique qualifications, experience, and platform.

The 2 Parts of A Book Proposal

Break down the two essential parts of a book proposal: the writing and the marketing.

Showcase Your Writing Skills

Craft a compelling overview that effectively communicates your book’s concept, tone, and structure.

Showcase Your Marketing Skills

Develop a marketing plan that shows your understanding of your target audience, competition, and market trends. Includes resources for to make research easy!

Bring It All Together

Combine all the elements of your book proposal into a cohesive and persuasive package.

Time to Pitch!

Includes strategies for finding the right people, craft a winning query letter, and a memorable pitch.


By the end of the WRITE YOUR BOOK PROPOSAL course you’ll have a polished book proposal that’s ready to submit to publishers and agents.

This is the opportunity you’ve been searching for to take your writing to the next level and achieve your dream of becoming a publishing author.

Take the first step and sign up for this $97 course below.

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