Overcome Procrastination & Unlock Your Writing Potential
"You don't complete goals by telling yourself, 'I'm struggling, it's hard. I can't do it.' It's changing those thoughts so that you can reach that goal easier, because you're not going to be when you have a finished product, when you've written a book, your books, you're not like, 'Oh, I can't do it. I don't have time.' Of course you can, because you've done it right," says Lisa McFadden, founder of The Writer’s Mindset.
Lisa McFadden had always been a writer and a psychologist of sorts, but when she moved to Los Angeles to pursue her dreams, she found herself in a negative, competitive environment that caused her to completely shut down. In 2021, after years of struggling, she found a mindset coach and was able to break through her blocks and write again. She left her job and became the coach she couldn't find, helping writers overcome the mindset blocks that are preventing them from writing. With her help, writers learn to forgive themselves and channel their inner creativity. Lisa has found her purpose and is determined to help others reach their writing goals.
So, we had her on the Pub Date Podcast to talk about all the things that get in our way when it comes to writing our books. In talking with Lisa, we learned how to identify and overcome writing blocks, utilize cognitive behavioral therapy, and build self-compassion to reach writing goals. Because you and I both know that we are our worst critics and likely our biggest obstacles for getting shit done.
We touched on the actual impact that social media has on us writing. Lisa’s solution (actually, one of many great ones) was to cleanse our social media of negative triggers. No, she is not asking us to completely eliminate the platforms from our lives, but she makes a great point to have us block those shitty creators that don’t bring us any joy and escape a dopamine habit to increase productivity and write more effectively.
And of course, you know we talked about managing boundaries and our time. She helped us with a few strategies for setting those necessary boundaries and managing our time (specific to our our habits) to create a balanced lifestyle that supports creativity and productivity.
Click the play button below to start listing to the episode with Lisa McFadden, founder of the Writer’s Mindset
Connect with Lisa on Instagram by following her @thwritersmindset